We are here to help empower parents to live a happy, healthy life with their kids. You want happy, healthy kids. Who doesn’t? But something always seems to get in the way. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to challenging behavior which is why we created this podcast to bring together experts in this area to share with you proven methods, guidance and solution-oriented strategies so that you can live empowered to help your family live a happy and healthy life. Dr. Karin Jakubowski, founder of Educational Impact Academy, is on a mission to inform, support, educate and provide tools for parents in a safe and encouraging community. Follow her at www.educationalimpactacademy.com
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Helping Kids Thrive in the Midst of a Pandemic - PART 2
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Dr. Borba teaches us "How To Raise Kids Who Will Thrive" - from her new book. 7 Teachable Skills That Set Happy, Healthy, High-Performing Kids Apart.
Dr. Borba is absolutely inspiring! She gives us real, concrete things we can do with our kids today to help them learn skills that will really make a difference for your child.
I had Dr. Borba on a recent podcast and she volunteered to talk to my staff as well. It was so incredibly valuable that I wanted all of you to be able to hear it. Here is her presentation. Part 2 of 2.
Follow Karin on social media -
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Helping Kids Thrive in the Midst of a Pandemic - PART 1
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Dr. Borba teaches us "How To Raise Kids Who Will Thrive" - from her new book. 7 Teachable Skills That Set Happy, Healthy, High-Performing Kids Apart.
Dr. Borba is absolutely inspiring! She gives us real, concrete things we can do with our kids today to help them learn skills that will really make a difference for your child.
I had Dr. Borba on a recent podcast and she volunteered to talk to my staff as well. It was so incredibly valuable that I wanted all of you to be able to hear it. Here is her presentation. Part 1 of 2.
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
She shares her journey from inadequacy to confidence and invites us as women to build each other up and let comparison go.
Meet former Miss Nevada, celebrity interviewer, red carpet host and recovering perfectionist - Hilary Billings.
She’s the host of the Red Carpet Confidence Podcast. She shares her journey from inadequacy to confidence. Hint: “Fake it till you make it” isn’t the answer.
She’s shared the stage with the likes of William Shatner and Bon Jovi...and the list goes on and on.
She’s been a featured contributor for USA Today, Elle, Huffington Post, Extra, and Entertainment Television.
Her story is more than glitz and glam. She is also a burn survivor and a graduate school reject...and that’s where her mission and passion come from.
It is nearly impossible to not feel inadequate in a world where accomplishment badges are everywhere. Hilary calls them, ‘Comparison Monsters’, and they cripple our confidence.
Align your actions and your words bit by bit, until you feel what you seek to feel.
Facebook: The Hilary Billings Show
IG: @Hilary_Billings
Hilary Billings is a content creator, speaker, and personal brand strategist.
For over a decade she's brought her personality to on-camera hosting, celebrity interviewing and producing. She's worked with outlets including USA Today, E! News, and Norwegian Cruise Line, and been featured on Extra! Entertainment Television.
A burn survivor turned Miss Nevada, Hilary is passionate about helping women overcome feelings of inadequacy, handle their online haters, and develop authentic confidence. Her light-hearted content combined with her unique way of handling negative comments has garnered her over 650K Tik Tok followers in under four months. Her content has been viewed more than 300 million times across platforms.
A sought-after speaker, Hilary speaks to the importance of handling 'haters' with compassion. She's shared the stage with icons including William Shatner and Bon Jovi.
As a coach and strategist, she's worked with the gamut of professionals to help them build their confidence and their brands and has counseled New York Times best-selling authors, Victoria’s Secret models, and billionaires.
Learn more about Karin at
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Do you ever wish you knew the right questions to ask at a parent teacher conference? What if Parent Teacher Conferences were comfortable and easy for you and you walked out feeling really great about your child and their progress in school? Wouldn't you love if someone gave you questions to ask your child’s teacher? When things are going well and when things may be a little rocky. Well, I have just the answer for you!
Dr. Ray Queener recently retired as Superintendent in Minnesota and is one of few superintendents who was never a school principal. He’s a father of three, and likes to hunt, fish, golf and read. Currently, Dr. Queener is a senior consultant for Teamworks International, a coaching company for school and district administrators. Today he is on our podcast because he knows exactly what’s it like when you have to meet with a teacher for a regular parent teacher conference and maybe when you have to meet under not the greatest of circumstances.
I invited him on our show today to help you the next time you have a meeting with your child’s teacher. Maybe you get an email from your child’s teacher saying they want to meet with you and your heart skips a beat? What happened? What did my child do? Or, maybe you have parent conferences coming up and you are secretly dreading it. Well, after talking to Dr. Queener, he was sharing with me ways to think about and plan for your parent conference that I think might help you know what to say to your child’s teacher in a conference, questions to ask to get the results you both want: your child to be successful, thrive, grow, love school and to become life long learner!
Learn more about Dr. Queener and TeamWorks International at
Follow Karin at
#jakubowskikarin on Instagram
@karinjakubowski on Twitter
"Happy Moms, Happy Kids" on Facebook
Tuesday May 25, 2021
#016: Design a Life of Less Hustle and More Joy, Play and Rest!
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Prioritize self-care, stop being busy and be free to live the life you really want!
Melody Miles left the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, after having the ‘perfect’ life only ending in a panic attack. She left it all, traveled the world and returned with a “Happy List” to help you. When women stop being busy - they can be free!
Melody Miles helped the Foundation launch a campaign to eradicate malaria only ending up stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted and burnt out. She got rid of everything but her suitcase and smartphone and traveled the world asking people, “What is Freedom?”
She came back with three answers that she shares in this episode. She invites us into a journey of Soulcation. Where we prioritize SoulCare, Rest, and Play for a season until we can figure out what we really want.
Go to her website and try her Daily Soulcation Planning Page for free!
For more information, follow Karin at www.educationalimpactacademy.com
Twitter -@karinjakubowski
Instagram - #eduimpactacademy
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Imagine a world filled with people pain-free with mental illness, anxiety, depression and psychosis a thing of the past. Medical illness is reduced. Medication use is minimized. Dr. Gominak believes, “See your doctor once a year, heal your body every night.
The world epidemic of sleep disorders AND MORE is linked to Vitamin D deficiency!
Dr. Gominak also says that autism is linked to insufficient deep sleep.
The global struggle with worsening sleep is linked to reduced sun exposure, says Dr. Gominak.
"See your doctor once a year. Heal your body every night." - Dr. Gominak
Given back enough time in deep sleep and the necessary raw materials (D and B vitamins) the brain can make up for the deep sleep that it missed and develop normal social skills even into the teens and early 20’s.
Not a morning person? Dr. Gominak says that’s due to a sleep disorder.
Follow Dr. Gominak at
Saturday May 08, 2021
#014: Pandemic Picture Book for Kids
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
Help your child with stress, remote learning and loneliness with this recently published pandemic picture book for kids by Delaware yoga and mindfulness instructor, Hiba Stancofski, "I Am Better Now."
This book gives anyone working with kids strategies to use today to help them calm down, find happiness and self-regulate during the stress of remote learning, being at home during covid, when things are not back to normal yet.
You will learn easy and simple yoga moves, positive affirmations and breathing exercises you can practice with your child or students at home or in school.
Click Here to buy “I Am Better Now”
Visit us here at www.educationalimpactacademy.com
Register here for my upcoming free webinar "Happy Kids" -
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
#013: BONUS - Free STEM activities for Kids
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Two former North Star students started an organization to bring free STEM activities to kids.
4 High school girls got together and created S.P.A.R.K.S.
Awareness and
Reach of
Knowledge in
They have their own website and recently, they have been zooming in to classes at North Star Elementary School to conduct virtual STEM lessons live during the school day.
Kids can access interactive lessons right on their website
Listen to this episode to learn why they started this project and learn how to log in so your child can have fun learning using these exciting and interactive STEM lessons. This is a great tool to use this summer for your kids during long car rides to the beach to keep their minds learning and growing.
Sign up for their free STEM Fair in August.
Kids can work on their project all summer long and enjoy a virtual STEM Fair online via zoom in August with prizes for the winners!
Visit Karin here at www.educationalimpactacademy.com
"Happy Kids" Free Webinar Registration Link -
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Family Doctor, and TedX Talk presenter on, "Emotional Literacy for Better Mental Health," Dr. Alibhai is known as a "Community Healer."
Dr. Alibhai's parents escaped Uganda as refugees and started their new life in Canada.
She took classes at night at the young age of 16 and became a certified fitness instructor.
But, like each of us...she has a story.
After completing her residency in Family Medicine and birthing her first son, the stressors of life caught up with her as much as she knew a lot about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. She found herself at rock bottom suffering with postpartum anxiety and feeling alone.
In her Ted Talk she mentions that we know all to well how to run ourselves down by saying we should be doing something we are not. And we listen to that internal dialogue running in our mind. The all too familiar negative self talk and just feel frustrated and guilty.
"The first step is to learn to be self-aware." - Dr. Alibhai
Even though Dr. Alibhai studied nutrition, exercise and medicine for ten years, she finally found the missing link - HEALTHY THINKING.
Dr. Alibhai currently works in the largest health youth clinic in British Columbia. She works with young adults ages 12-24. 1 in 5 Canadians suffer from a mental health illness.
Dr. Alibhai leaves us with the phrase she heard from the Toms shoe owner, Blake Mycoskie, "I AM ENOUGH."
This week stop and reflect on these three simple words. When I started to say to myself, "I am enough." My thoughts about myself began to change. Wow! What a powerful statement! How many times do we think,
"I need to work out more."
"I need to eat more healthy."
"I need to stop..."
"I need to do more of..."
"I need more..."
Catch yourself this week, and say to yourself, "You know what? I am enough."
As mentioned in the podcast, we are holding a free upcoming webinar. Register for the "Happy Kids" Free Webinar -
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
#011: Kids Do Well If They Can - Dr. Stuart Ablon
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Managing Challenging Behavior in Kids - They Lack the Skill, Not the Will.
Kids with challenging behavior are tragically misunderstood. It’s time for a more compassionate and effective approach.
Dr. Ablon is director of Think:Kids, a program in the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. (MGH)
MGH is the #1 ranked Department of Psychiatry in the US, and is a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School.
Tired of meltdowns, nagging, yelling, and constant power struggles between you and your child? Is challenging behavior tearing your family apart? If behavior charts, rewards and punishments aren’t working, Dr. Ablon knows why!
Research shows challenging kids lack the skill, not the will, to behave.
Kids really do well if they can and if they aren't, it's up to us to find out why. Learn how on this podcast.