We are here to help empower parents to live a happy, healthy life with their kids. You want happy, healthy kids. Who doesn’t? But something always seems to get in the way. There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to challenging behavior which is why we created this podcast to bring together experts in this area to share with you proven methods, guidance and solution-oriented strategies so that you can live empowered to help your family live a happy and healthy life. Dr. Karin Jakubowski, founder of Educational Impact Academy, is on a mission to inform, support, educate and provide tools for parents in a safe and encouraging community. Follow her at www.educationalimpactacademy.com
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
The Power of Hope with Margaret Dulaney
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Having hope is crucial not just to our happiness, but to our survival. But what happens when you start to lose hope? This week’s guest, Margaret Dulaney, founder of the popular spiritual spoken word site and podcast, “Listen Well.”
In her latest book, “Parables of Sunlight,” she tells her own story of finding hope during difficult times. She’s here today to talk about her story and what we can all learn about hope, perseverance, and resilience.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
-Why practicing hope is a necessity, not a luxury
-How to build your “hope muscle”
-How being in nature helps nurture hope
spoken word site: www.listenwell.org
Brand new book! The Parables of Sunlight
collection of essays: To Hear the Forest Sing
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Friday Oct 22, 2021
How To Raise Successful Kids with Dr. Hal Urban
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Dr. Urban talks with us today about:
-What our kids need most from us as parents right now
-How to protect our child from toxic words
-Helping your child with motivation
-The #1 way to start everyday with your child
-How to have high expectations for your child and create a balanced life
-How to form a good partnership with your child’s teacher
-3 Phase of Life: Learn, Earn, Return
Dr. Hal Urban was a school teacher for 35 years and is the author of eight books – all with an emphasis on good character. His first book, Life’s Greatest Lessons, was selected by Writer’s Digest as the Inspirational Book of the Year. Since 1992 Dr. Urban has traveled more than two million miles while speaking nationally and internationally on positive character traits and their relationship to the quality of life. He has made more than a thousand presentations in forty-three states, Washington DC, and eight foreign countries. Hal has a genuine love of life that includes several passions, chief among them are faith, family, and friends. His other interests include reading, sports, travel, and photography. You’ll even find him as early as 5am daily in the gym staying active and fit.
Check out his latest book, “The Power of Good News” - Feeding Your Mind With What’s Good for your Heart.
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Dr. Shannon Ritchey is an Entrepreneur, Founder of Evlo Fitness, Doctor of Physical Therapy and wife. She focuses on creating safe exercise programs for those suffering like she was.
I started listening to her podcast, “Fit Body, Happy Joints” and I LOVE it already. Shannon taught me ways of rethinking my workouts and I love learning from her. I can’t wait to learn more.
I love how she taught me this week not to just do 2-3 really high intensity training workouts and be done thinking I’m good, but to consider doing more consistent workouts that don’t wear my muscles out completely like my intense training days.
She reminded me that there is a narrow window of total number of calories my body will burn in a day. So, just because I exercised more, doesn’t mean I burned more calories. That’s a revolutionary thought for me.
I think you will really enjoy this episode and learn something new and be inspired this week when you think about doing a little exercise. And she even offers virtual classes and a membership to watch the videos on your own time.
Follow Dr. Shannon -
Instagram: @dr.shannon.dpt
Podcast: Fit Body, Happy Joints
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Foster Creativity In Your Child with Inventor Doug Patton
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Whether we recognize it or not, all of us have great creative resources within us, and they can help us discover greater happiness.
This week’s guest is Doug Patton, an industrial designer who was featured on ABC’s American Inventor television series and has created more than 300 products in 20 international market categories.
His new book, “Conquering the Chaos of Creativity”, provides a map to help you find your own creative process. He’s here to talk about the connection between creativity and happiness and help each of us learn to find our own creative superpowers.
He shares with us:
- The role creativity played in his life
- The connection between creativity and happiness
- Why creativity is crucial to us really achieving happiness
- How exercise plays a role in creativity
- Mindfulness and meditation and how they work in problem solving
- How parents can foster creativity in their child
- The importance of allowing your child to explore their creative side
- Why Doug’s book caught the attention of higher ed and the necessity of teaching this to students
- The results people get when they start intentionally experiencing creativity?
Instagram @pattondesigninc
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Raising Compassionate and Confident Kids with Author Heather Shumaker
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Heather Shumaker began writing books in elementary school, but then went on to work in land conservation for two decades and was a coastal program director for protecting Arcadia’s dunes.
She went from working in the area of science to becoming a national speaker on parenting and early childhood topics with her two renegade parenting books: Listen to these titles - “It’s OK Not to Share" and “It’s OK to Go Up the Slide” and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids and she is an advocate for free, unstructured play in homes and schools.
On this episode you will learn about:
- True PLAY is the child’s own ideas bursting out of them.
- Kids process their thoughts and ideas in a recess time.
- Play recharges a child’s brain and gives them energy back.
When kids aren’t provided time to play and have those breaks, their memory, focus and problem solving skills and cognitive functions decrease plus their impulse control gets shaky so behavior issues come up. The more recesses they have, the more benefit for them especially kids with ADHD.
The skills that kids need for future jobs are getting along with other people, social interaction, conflict mediation, creativity thinking, flexible thinking and problem solving. When a child plays they develop those skills by playing by themselves and with others.
Reading for pleasure! That does wonders for kids! If a child is struggling to read, allow the adult to read to the child, they learn so much language by being read aloud to.
Sleep improves memory, problem-solving and behavior.
We need to be teaching kids 5-6 years old, skills of play to get along with others and follow their own ideas and develop connections in their brain, so their brains are ready at age 7 for academic learning.
You can follow Heather at -
Twitter - @heathershumaker
Podcast - BookSmitten
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women‘s Happiness with Dr. Valerie Rein
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Stress and anxiety is something we’re all familiar with but what if some of that was actually inherited. Today’s guest is Dr. Valerie Rein and she has used the science of epigenetics to discover how stress and trauma from previous generations is affecting us today.
Her new book, “Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and Fulfillment”, looks at the research behind this reality and provides tools for identifying and managing intergenerational stress. Today, she’s here to talk about how this works in our lives and how we can identify and overcome it.
She covers:
- What Patriarchy Stress Disorder is and how she discovered it
- How this is something that we are passing along in our family
- An example of how this plays out in our everyday life
- Free tools in a starter kit available for download on her website https://www.drvalerie.com/
- The role of fitness in overcoming PSD
Dr. Valerie Rein is a psychologist and women’s mental health expert who has discovered Patriarchy Stress Disorder® (PSD) and created the only science-backed system for helping women achieve their ultimate success, happiness, and fulfillment by healing this collective, generational trauma of oppression.
She holds an EdM in Psychological Counseling from Columbia University and a PhD in Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Her #1 Amazon bestselling book, “Patriarchy Stress Disorder: The Invisible Inner Barrier to Women’s Happiness and Fulfillment” has been heralded by reviewers as "the most important body of literary work of our modern times" and "perhaps the most important book of the century for women."
Dr. Valerie’s cutting-edge programs have helped thousands of women shift from “How much can I bear?” to “How good can it get?", from survival to thriving, in their work and personal lives.
When a woman makes this dramatic shift, she changes not only her life and destiny, she changes the world. She creates a new precedent of what's possible, the new normal, and she brings everyone with her.
The movement of healing generational, collective and personal trauma is about how good can it get? -- for everyone. Profound changes we need to see in the world are made possible by profound personal changes that this healing unlocks.
Healing trauma restores our authentic power--to create the life and the world we desire, in conscious connection and collaboration with one another and the planet that's only possible when we're in a state of Thriving, not surviving.
We're here to heal for this and future generations and to honor and bring healing to the generations before us.
Here are some great opportunities to get connected with Dr. Valerie:
1) Subscribe to Dr. Valerie's Thriving Notes when you download the first chapter of her book or book resources
2) Follow her on Instagram -- or on Facebook - feel free to tag and DM her! She love tags and hashtags, hers are #patriarchystressdisorder and #thethrivingexperience -- follow them for updates
Instagram - #patriarchystressdisorder
Facebook - @drvalerierein
3) Come out and play with us live at our legendary free virtual retreat, The Thriving Experience! Learn more and register here.
She’s offering a free course October 15-17, 2021 3 Days of Powerful Healing for Powerful Women “We Cannot Afford to Live in Survival Anymore” - Heal Our Way From Survival to Thriving.
Register here -
More about the Host - Join Dr J in her upcoming 6 week course “Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids” It all starts October 12th. If you know a parent who struggles when their child has a meltdown, or has challenging behaviors socially, academically or behaviorally - let them know this course is designed to empower them in those situations. They can register by clicking this link
Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube Channel - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook - @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - #JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Extraordinary UnOrdinary You - Simone Knego
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Change the way you see yourself and the world around you will change.
Do you ever find yourself saying, “I’M JUST A…"? Well, today I am with author, Simone Knego who suffered from that herself.
Her theme today is - Share Your Story...Encourage Those Around You...Motivate...Inspire...Give. In Doing So, You Change the World.
Simone Knego leads an extraordinary life, wife to a neurosurgeon and mother to 6 children, one who has autism and 3 dogs. With her larger than life personality and fearless attitude she splits her time between her family, businesses and personal growth. She is a powerful force for good. In her new best-selling book that came out in Sept. 2020, “The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You” - she shares her journey of adopting 3 of her children from Ethiopia and South Korea, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise cancer awareness, and all of the funny, inspiring and scary stories that came along the way.
She was an elementary school teacher, CPA, entrepreneur, author, and now a keynote speaker.
She tells us what transpired from one day sitting in an audience listening to a speaker on the stage and thinking, “I could never do that! I’ll never be them”.
If you feel like, “I wake up every day feeling like I’m going through the motions. Nothing I do is making an impact on anyone.” She’s got the answer for you!
Author of The Extraordinary UnOrdinary You
Instagram - authorsimoneknego
Facebook - @UnOrdinaryYou
More about the Host -
Join Dr J in her upcoming 6 week course “Happy Kids, Not Perfect Kids” It all starts October 12th. If you know a mom who struggles when their child has a meltdown, or has challenging behaviors socially, academically or behaviorally - let them know this course is designed to empower them in those situations. They can register by clicking this link
Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube Channel - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Loss and Grief: How to Talk with Your Child - Ashley Bugge
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
This week we are talking about something all of us have experienced, but most of us have difficulty talking about, Grief is a tough subject and it can be even more difficult when trying to manage it with children. After the sudden death of her husband, Ashley Bugge found herself not only raising two toddlers, but planning for the birth of her third child, but also trying to help them live in a world that had been suddenly consumed with grief. Unable to find books that spoke about grief in kid terms, she and her kids wrote a remarkable book, titled “A Hui Hou” - Until We Meet Again. This week, Ashley is here to discuss how to talk to your child about grief and loss, help them understand their feelings and live a happier life.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
*Why it’s important to have honest conversations about grief with your children
*How to make new memories as a family while grieving loss
*Signs a child may be struggling with grief
Ashley also wrote her memoir, “Always Coming Back Home”.
You can follow Ashley:
Facebook - @ashleybuggexo
Instagram - Ashley.bugge
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
”Make Me!” - Understanding Your Child When They Struggle In School with Heather Forbes
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Heather Forbes, LCSW is one of the nation’s leading experts in the world of Trauma-Informed Education. Heather has worked for over 20 years helping to educate both teachers and parents in the area of using a trauma-informed approach to help student’s academic and behavioral health.
She is author of “Help For Billy” and her newest book, “Classroom 180”.
Heather’s work stems from her own experiences after adopting two children from Russia.
“School environments are designed for children who have their natural love for learning intact and for children whose systems are hardwired to be able to sit in a classroom and stay focused. But when a child comes along who does not fit this description, we have continued to EXPECT this child to change and to fit into this predetermined mold, no matter how much he or she is unable.” - Heather helps us unpack with this happens and what parents and educators can do.
Heather helps us understand how we keep “high expectations for our kids” and yet help them when they display challenging behaviors.
“The amount of pressure students are asked to handle in academic environments frequently goes far beyond what their nervous systems are equipped to handle. Staying at this heightened level of stress diminishes their abilities to self-regulate and their abilities to learn.” - Heather Forbes
We talk in this interview about motivation, and Heather likes to exchange that word for ‘inspiration’. How are we inspiring our kids to learn? And if kids are inspired to learn, they put forth the motivation to learn.
To learn more about Heather and her work, check out her website.
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Soft Skills for Parents Turn Into Life Skills for Kids - Gina Wilson
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Sunday Sep 05, 2021
Holistic executive coach, Gina Wilson, author of Skills That Build: The Hard Science of Soft Skills for Work and Life JUST PUBLISHED THIS YEAR in JUNE!
She is with me today to help us understand how her work can help moms raise happy, healthy kids!
She talks about:
- Burnout and how to avoid it
- Using “I” statements with your kids when they do something that gets you frustrated
- Self-care practices
Skills That Build: The Hard Science of Soft Skills for Work and Life ISBN: 9781737082903
Available online through all major book retailers and in local and independent bookstores. Signed copies are available through Gina’s website. https://ginamwilson.com , where you can also sign up for her mailing list for coaching nuggets, book events and more.
Gina invites listeners to follow her on:
LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/systemstrategies
Twitter @GWStrategyCoach
Instagram @ginadewil
If you like the book, please consider leaving a review online on Google, Amazon or post it on social media!
More about the Host - Dr. Karin Jakubowski is an elementary public school principal. She is passionate about helping moms first take care of themselves to be their best for their kids. She helps moms with a problem solving process when their child is experiencing challenging behaviors. She practices mindfulness personally and at school teaching students breathing and awareness techniques to help them manage their own stress to be happy and healthy!
YouTube - Educational Impact Academy
Facebook Page - Happy Mom's, Happy Kids @educationalimpactacademy
Instagram - JakubowskiKarin
Twitter - @KarinJakubowski